Monday, May 24, 2010

Sedgwick Dettert General Counsel Approves Use of Law Firm's Computer Hacker Jon Wheatley

Apparently, Sedgwick Detert General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon doesn't like cupcakes.

As reported earlier today, Sedgwick Detert hacker and Front End Coder Ryan Dice Kusaba hacked into Google's search engine and corrupted Google's database preventing public viewing of our Sedgwick Detert posts on Zen We contacted Google to let them know about Sedgwick Detert and Ryan Kusaba's malicious conduct. We'll documenting every intrusion, hacking, threat and act of harassment for a State Bar complaint against General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon and his Psycho Attorney Joseph R. McFaul. Ryan Dice Kusaba is facing jail time for repeated violations of my Order of Protection.

I just don't get it. Why doesn't General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon take definitive action to control the unethical and criminal conduct of his attorneys and agents and representatives? I just don't understand Mr. McGeehon's arrogance. How does he think this is all going to end?

Badly, very badly.