Look what I found on Sucky Lawyers.com. It's some kind of code, malicious, no doubt.
It's the hallmark of Computer Hacker Jon Wheatley and his Dailybooth.com Hacking Crew, namely, Ryan "Dice" Kusaba, Paul Or aka Paul Fraser, Andrew Ryno, Ryan Amos, Catherine Valdes aka Catrific and a host of others.
We got hacked by Jon Wheatley and his Dailybooth.com hacking crew against last night in retaliation for service of a restraining order against notorious computer hacker Ryan Dice Kusaba who is employed at Sony Imageworks Interactive as a Web Developer in Culver City, California. Kusaba was hired by Psycho Sedgwick Detert attorney Joseph R. McFaul to illegally break into my computer.
Of course, Computer Hacker Jon Wheatley's latest hacking constitutes ANOTHER violation of the protective order the court signed against his fellow hacker Ryan Daisuke "Dice" Kusaba.
Fortunately, I was able to capture the malicious programs and spyware before the Dailybooth.com hacking crew destroyed the evidence. OMFG! You would not believe what I found. NINE THOUSAND PAGES OF MALICIOUS SCRIPTS!
I don't think the judge will be all that impressed......